The effectiveness of Oxyfresh® mouthwash to reduce inflammatory gingival status in patients at University of Jember Dental Hospital
Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Jember, Jember, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(03), 2696-2700
Publication history:
Received on 12 November 2024; revised on 26 December 2024; accepted on 28 December 2024
Background: Gingivitis is an inflammatory disease caused by plaque bacteria. Gingivitis prevention can be done by chemical plaque control using mouthwash. Oxyfresh® is a mouthwash that contains sodium chlorite, which can inhibit the growth of plaque bacteria.
Aim: To determine the effectiveness of Oxyfresh® mouthwash to reduce the gingivitis status of patients who come to the Dental Hospital of the University of Jember.
Material and Methods: This research is descriptive research. The participants of this study were 30 patients who came to the Dental Hospital of University of Jember over the period of September-October 2022. The criteria of patients who came to the Dental Hospital aged between 20-40 years, did not have any systemic disease, did not smoke, and were willing to complete the informed consent form. Gingivitis status was assessed by the Gingival Index (GI). The teeth examined according to the Ramfjord were 16, 21, 24, 36, 43, 44. The observed surfaces were facial, mesial, distal, and lingual. Gingival status was checked before scaling, and then the patient was asked to rinse 5 ml Oxyfresh® twice daily for 2 minutes. On the 7th post-scaling day, the gingival status was checked. The data were analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: Gingivitis scores in 30 patients showed 10% mild, 76% moderate, and 14% severe gingivitis. The results showed that gargling with Oxyfresh® as much as 5 ml twice daily can reduce the gingival score by 70% in one week. Data analysis showed a significant difference in gingival status before and after scaling after being given Oxyfresh® mouthwash (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Oxyfresh® mouthwash effectively reduces the severity of gingivitis in patients at the Dental Hospital of University of Jember.
Gingivitis; Mouthwash; Scaling; Plaque Score
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